Corepunk's Rocky Start – Feedback from the Alpha Frontlines

December 18, 2023 Feedback & Suggestions Ryan
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The Slog of Movement and Exploration

The most immediate and pervasive issue encountered by players was the game's painfully slow character movement. Without any fast-travel options, apart from a teleportation stone with a lengthy cooldown, players found themselves spending an inordinate amount of time simply traversing the game's expansive world. This slow pace was not just a minor inconvenience; it fundamentally impacted the entire gameplay experience.

One seasoned gamer, who had eagerly awaited Corepunk for four years, described their eight-hour journey as a test of patience. The lack of speed in movement turned exploration, a typically exciting aspect of MMORPGs, into a tedious chore. The world, while visually appealing, felt empty and uninviting, lacking the dynamic encounters and intriguing landmarks that make exploration rewarding in other titles.

As players moved through this vast, slow-paced world, their excitement waned, replaced by a sense of monotony. The expectation of discovering new, thrilling areas was dampened by the realization that much of their time would be spent in transit, walking across landscapes that offered little in terms of engagement or discovery.

A Resource-Heavy, Unrewarding Grind

Resource management emerged as a core, yet frustrating, aspect of Corepunk. Players quickly found that the game was heavily dependent on resource gathering – a mechanic that, while integral to many MMORPGs, was implemented in a way that felt more burdensome than enjoyable. The necessity to continuously farm resources dominated the gameplay, overshadowing other aspects and turning what could have been an engaging experience into a repetitive grind.

The challenge was exacerbated by the game's lack of natural health and mana regeneration. Players were forced into a constant cycle of searching for consumables or spending excessive time at campfires to replenish their vital stats. This mechanic not only slowed down the pace of the game but also detracted from its other elements, such as combat and questing, as players found themselves more focused on resource management than on enjoying the game's content.

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