Construction - Crafting Superior Artifacts in Corepunk

Published 3 months ago Crafting & Professions Ryan
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In Corepunk, the Construction profession allows players to craft powerful artifacts that enhance their character's abilities. These artifacts can be equipped to boost various stats, providing significant advantages in combat and other activities. Construction is a versatile profession that pairs well with Logging, ensuring a steady supply of materials for crafting.

It's a rewarding pursuit, this Construction profession. The more you invest in it, the more bonuses you receive from your Artifacts.❞ — Alien mechanic

Mastery Levels

  • Newbie: No bonus.
  • Journeyman: 5% artifact bonus.
  • Craftsman: 10% artifact bonus and reduced crafting time.
  • Expert: Advanced crafting perks.
  • Master: Exclusive recipes and superior artifacts.

Crafted Artifacts

Some notable artifacts include:

  • Armor Plate: Enhances physical defense.
  • Immuno-Stimulating Implant: Boosts health regeneration.
  • Magic Convertor: Increases magical power.
  • Mana Amulet: Restores mana.
  • Nano Tissue: Improves resilience.
  • Steroid Implant: Enhances physical strength.

Combining Professions

Construction benefits greatly from Logging, which provides essential materials for crafting. This synergy ensures efficient and continuous artifact production.


Mastering the Construction profession in Corepunk is essential for players looking to enhance their character's capabilities through crafted artifacts. By advancing through the mastery levels, players unlock powerful bonuses and exclusive items that provide a competitive edge in the game.

Butchery - The Art of Precision Harvesting in Corepunk

Published 3 months ago Crafting & Professions Ryan
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In Corepunk, Butchery stands as one of the primary gathering professions, dedicated to the skillful dissection of animal carcasses to retrieve valuable organs and materials for crafting. This profession is essential for creating components used in various other professions, such as Mysticism for rune crafting and Cooking for food preparation.

Butchering ain't for the faint of heart. It's a dirty, bloody business. And the critters 'round here ain't your average farm animals.❞ — Butcher

Mastery Levels

  • Newbie: 1 gathering cycle; Tier 1 resources.
  • Journeyman: 2 gathering cycles; Tier 2 resources.
  • Craftsman: 3 gathering cycles; Tier 3 resources; reduced gathering time.
  • Expert: Advanced perks and efficiencies.
  • Master: Ultimate proficiency and exclusive harvesting capabilities.

Harvesting and Materials

Butchers can harvest a wide array of materials from different tiers of animal carcasses. The rarity and quality of these materials increase with higher-tier nodes and include:

  • Common: Animal Fat, Large Bone, Ribs
  • Uncommon: Adrenaline Bladder, Eye of the Beast, Living Blood
  • Rare: Elastic Membrane
  • Epic: Beating Heart

Crafted Items

Using harvested materials, butchers can craft various items, such as:

  • Bio-compatible Material: Common
  • Cosmetic Fat: Common
  • Jewellery Bone: Common
  • Leather: Common

Combining Professions

Butchery pairs well with professions like Mysticism and Cooking, providing necessary ingredients for crafting runes and culinary dishes, respectively.


Butchery in Corepunk is an intricate and vital profession, offering players the opportunity to gather and craft essential materials. Mastering this profession enhances the player's ability to support their team with crafted goods and rare resources.

Alchemy - Mastering the Art of Potions and Elixirs in Corepunk

Published 3 months ago Crafting & Professions Ryan
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Alchemy is one of the four primary crafting professions in Corepunk, focusing on creating consumables that offer temporary buffs and effects. As an alchemist, you can produce a wide range of items, including medicines, vaccines, ointments, and various potions, enhancing your gameplay and providing crucial support to allies.

See, the deal is, I'm supposed to be this alchemy master, teaching newcomers the ropes. In reality, I can barely tell a mana potion from a beer.❞ — Percival Beamish

Mastery Levels

Alchemists progress through different mastery levels, each unlocking additional buffs and reducing crafting times:

  • Newbie: +1 additional buff.
  • Journeyman: +2 additional buffs.
  • Craftsman: +3 additional buffs and reduced crafting time.
  • Expert: Unlocks advanced recipes and effects.
  • Master: Ultimate alchemical prowess and exclusive items.

Crafted Consumables

Alchemists can craft various consumables with diverse effects, such as:

  • Adrenaline Shot: Increases physical power temporarily.
  • Biosteroids Shot: Enhances stamina and vitality.
  • Burn Relief: Heals burn damage.
  • Counterfeit Painkillers: Provides temporary damage resistance.
  • Funny Pills: Induces a temporary state of euphoria.
  • Magic Pills: Grants short-term magical abilities.
  • Mana Pipe: Restores mana over time.
  • Restorative Ointment: Heals wounds and restores health.
  • Titanium Ointment: Increases physical defense.

Combining Professions

Alchemy synergizes well with Herbalism, allowing alchemists to gather necessary ingredients efficiently. This combination maximizes the potential for crafting powerful and beneficial consumables.


The Alchemy profession in Corepunk offers a blend of simplicity and depth, making it a fascinating choice for players who enjoy supporting their teams with potent consumables. By mastering alchemy, you enhance not only your capabilities but also those of your allies, ensuring success in the diverse and challenging world of Corepunk.